Yesterday, the former Luv' singer Chimène van Oosterhout posted on Facebook a special video of herself with another ex-Luv' member Carina Lemoine. Both ladies sang "Fire" (a Bruce Springsteen song from 1977 made famous by the Pointer Sisters in late 1978). Moreover, a nice video of Carina's mother offering flowers to Chimène was posted as a story on Instagram and Facebook.
The video of the impromptu singing duo was unfortunately removed. However, here's a screencap of this unique moment:

Chimène took singing lessons with Carina who is a vocal coach.
Carina replaced Michelle Gold to be part of Luv' in July 1990. She collaborated with Marga Scheide and Diana van Berlo until December 1992.
Chimène replaced Ria Thielsch in late 2018. Her recruitment was announced on January 4th, 2019, in De Telegraaf newspaper. She worked with Marga and José Hoebee until late August 2019.
Source: Chimène van Oosterhout and Carina Lemoine on social media, Marco Rens, Martin Vink