Photo courtesy of © Official Luv' Fan Page (Facebook) & Beeld en Geluid

After the recent anniversaries of "You're the Greatest Lover", "With Luv" and "Trojan Horse", today it's time to celebrate another one: 45 years ago precisely, on November 19th, 1978, TROS channel aired a 20-minute TV special entitled “All You Need Is Luv”. The fans remember this iconic music program. Let's celebrate its 45th anniversary!
Original broadcast
Luv' was as a visual act. At the time, MTV didn’t exist. The group's management understood the power of television. This medium fit them like a glove and was one of the reasons for their success. In the late 1970s, the number of channels was limited. When an artist or a band performed on TV, they could reach lots of viewers who were potential record buyers.

Marga Scheide, José Hoebee & Patty Brard: Luv's golden trio
When TROS broadcast the "All You Need Is Luv'" special on November 19th, 1978, Luv's signature song, "You're the Greatest Lover", had already dropped out of the Dutch Top 40 and its follow-up, "Trojan Horse", had just entered the charts.
The Dutch press published articles to announce the broadcast of this music show.

Limburgsch dagblad - November 14th, 1978
Click here to read the article online

Limburgsch dagblad - November 18th, 1978
Click here to read the article online

Leeuwarder courant - November 18th, 1978
Click here to read the article

Montage by Marco Rens

The TV special, directed by Rien van Wijk, the creator and original director of the iconic AVRO's TopPop, featured videos of songs from their debut album “With Luv”.
You’re the Greatest Lover: The girls were riding a tandem, playing basketball with a male team and singing among bodybuilders in a gym.
Who Do You Wanna Be: The trio was singing on a grand piano, pretending they were naked with bath mousse on them. But in the end, they wore wetsuits.
Trojan Horse: The ladies were accompanied by Beatrix Pipe Band and giggled while trying on hats.
Louis Je t’Adore: the Luv' girls were sitting on rattan chairs in an exotic interior.
U.O.Me: Luv' were singing on motorbikes and appeared as angels.
Oh, Get Ready: Luv' were dancing with masked men.
Crew :
Props: Arjan Top
Staging: Kees Steginga & Jos van Vuren
Clothing: Ton Verheugen & Nikki Roeg
Dresser: J. Vleere
Make-up: Tom vd Heuvel
Film camera: Henk Gullikers
Sound and light: Eli Huitema & Hans Vakkeldij
Edit: Gerard Prakke
Special thanks to Beatrix Pipe Band, DierenPark Amersfoort, Amsterdamsche Athleten Club Hercules, Basketbalver., Delta Lloyd
Production and directing assistant: Ineke Lommerse
Production and direction: Rien van Wijk
On November 22nd, 1978, Holland's most-read newspaper, De Telegraaf, published a negative column about Luv's TV special written by Leo Derksen.

De Telegraaf - November 22nd, 1978
Click here to read the article
On June 6th, 1980, All You Need Is Luv' was aired on NRK channel in Norway. Dozens of articles announcing this special were published in the Norwegian press. Luv' were described as "singers who were well on their way to achieving the international reputation of Baccara and Boney M". To prove their popularity in the European marketplace, Norwegian papers mentioned their numerous TV appearances in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Spain.

Lofotposten, May 29th, 1980
Click on the link to read the article online: Lofotposten (
On June 1st, 1981, just after the group's first break-up, TROS reran the TV special and renamed it "Memories of Luv'".

De Telegraaf - June 1st, 1981

TV Ekspres (Belgium) / May 30th - June 5th, 1981.
In 2006, as the female pop trio made a comeback, the "Back In Luv" DVD came out and included "All You Need Is Luv".

Back In Luv' DVD - front cover
Source: YouTube, Beeld en Geluid (Dutch TV and radio archives), ANP Fotos, HH, Luv' weblog archives...