Earlier this summer, Chimène van Oosterhout scared everyone when her best friend, the Dutch media personality Tanja Jess, informed on Instagram that she had been urgently admitted to the hospital in Athens, Greece, due to heart failure. Immediately after Chimène's hospital admission, the Dutch media (including De Telegraaf, AD, Margriet, RTL Boulevard, Party, Mediacourant, Linda, Story, Weekend, NU...) reported the sad news.
Chimène is a survivor. She survived breast cancer a couple of years ago and always bounced back. The former Luv' singer often keeps her followers posted on her progress and recovery through social media.
Columns for Wendy
Chimène writes monthly columns for WendyOnline.nl (Wendy van Dijk's online platform specialising in women's issues) and Wendy magazine.
On September 10th, she posted a column about letting go. Click here to read it. The former TROS and Veronica TV host was given the ultimate test of letting go when her son Lyam moved to Barcelona. She had previously experienced the "empty nest syndrome" after Lyam left her home to study in Amsterdam. But recently, the umbilical cord was really cut when Chimène drove her son to Spain and realized how beautiful and natural the process of letting go was.
She quoted a passage from Kahlil Gibran's book "The Prophet" (1923):
"Your children are not your children.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow"

Chimène & Lyam
On October 7th, the ex-Motor TV star posted a column related to October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Click here to read it. She is the right person to discuss this touchy issue as she had breast cancer three times. Click here to read the column.

Interview in Vrouw
The October 7th issue of Vrouw (a women's magazine, supplement to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf) featured an interview with Chimène. The multi-talented lady explained what she went through when her heart failure occurred and how she lived on.
When asked what she would do after her recovery, she answered: "I'm still busy writing a book. Now, I can add a chapter due to the recent events. When I have more energy, I'd like to present a show on TV again and make a comeback. I'm watching more television, and it looks a bit too white and young in this time of inclusion. I want more colour on the small screen. Maybe I could present a workout program for people who recover after a disease or seniors".

Business Class (RTL 7)

Chimène appeared on RTL 7's program, "Business Class", which drew 22.000 viewers (market share: 2%) on October 8th. Harry Mens discusses business, politics and financial-economic affairs with famous and lesser-known guests. Dutch entrepreneur Diederik van Nederveen promoted his product "Amino Alliance". The powder with L-arginine ensures that more oxygen can be absorbed into your blood, with all the positive consequences that entails, such as a better night's sleep and more energy. It is suitable for everyone and is also used by top athletes. Chimène talked about her good experience with the product.
Click here to watch an excerpt from "Business Class" featuring Chimène.
Information about Amino Alliance: https://amino-alliance.nl/

Chimène van Oosterhout & Diederik van Nederveen interviewed by Harry Mens on "Business Class"
Source: Chimène van Oosterhout on social media (Facebook & Instagram), Official Luv', Wendy, Vrouw (De Telegraaf), RTL 7, NMO...