Ralph Ruiz
- 5 févr. 2023
- 2 Min
Patty Brard on Shownieuws: talking about Guido Spek, André van Duin & Tristan van der Lingen
Here are the latest viewing figures of SBS6's infotainment news program "Shownieuws", featuring Patty Brard as a showbiz expert: January...
Ralph Ruiz
- 13 août 2022
- 1 Min
Carolina, Jip and Anniko 's surprising answers about Patty Brard on "De Slimste Mens"
Carolina Dijkhuizen, Jip van den Toorn and Anniko van Santen on De Slimste Mens On August 9th, the latest broadcast of KRO-NCRV/NPO 2's...